How do I parse dynamic JSON?

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  • Hi - I'm receiving dynamic JSON data from API endpoint

    sample response:

    { "success": true, "error": null, "data": [{ "id": 9164, "name": "Gilberto", "name_short": "Class Clown", "desctription": "Graduated 2004", "picture": "https//:imgur.gif", "link": "", }, { "id": 2149, "name": "Jose", "name_short": "Captain Virtue Signal", "desctription": "Graduated 2000", "picture": "https//:imgur.gif", "link": "", }, { "id": 6666, "name": "hAcKerMans", "name_short": "White Knight of Keyboard", "desctription": "Graduated Whenever he wants", "picture": "https//:imgur.gif", "link": "", } ] }

    Questions is, how do I parse select data to C3 Objects (eg. "name" to text, "link" to button/sprite, & "picture" to sprite.) if they constantly change?


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