How do I make an ON/OF Button?

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  • For a couple objects in my project I have instance variables set as Booleans so I my have and Action playout. I am trying to get a Boolian to turn ON and stay ON until I turn it off. For example a simple button for a light but also a leaver to move platforms then when moving leaver back platforms stop, and or when the player walks threw a door the environment changes then when walking back threw it changes back.

    I mostly want the Door mechaniqe. 🚪 My goal is to get it were when player walks inside a door the outer skin disappears (which I got down) but says invisible until the player walks back out the door.

    Currently the outer skin disappears after I've walked away from the door shape and the outer skins returns will I'm inside the building and can't see.

    May I have help please? Thank you^

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  • Simple Toggle:

    Character on collision with door - Toggle Boolean

    If Boolean false Show buildings normal | If true so Buildings with less opacity

    I would build it so when you collide with the door you force push the player inside the building.

    Then you don't have to worry about them triggering the collision but then leaving the building without triggering on Exit.

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