Object visibile only on certain layers.

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From the Asset Store
This is a single chapter from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection". It is the Student Workbook for its Workshop.
  • Hey there. I want all objects on this layer to be only visible on certain layers.

    As you see here, the shadow placed on this layer is visible on the ground, which is the only layer I want it visible on.

    But, I don't want it to be visible on these green tiles, which are on a different layer.

    Furthermore, the shadow shows on the background as well (which I assume would include every over layer except the layer the shadow is one), but I only want it visible on objects on that single layer.

    What would be the best solution for this?


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  • You need to use blend modes, there is an official template in C3, check it out.

    The shadow needs to be on the same layer with the ground. And you need to enable "Force own texture" on the layer.

  • Perfect, I knew it had some thing to do with blend modes but I couldn't figure it out.

    Thanks again for your help!

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