It is not possible to buy a license.

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • Hello, I would like to know why the system does not accept the purchase from my card, writes "card rejected".


  • From which country are you?

  • I'm from Russia

  • If you only tried to pay directly by debit/credit card, try PayPal too. If the paypal also has this problem you can contact the support team.

    I will tell you my experience may be useful for you. I am from India and I'm using Construct 3 for the last three years. Till March2022 I paid my subscription through paypal but suddenly my card keeps getting declined when I try to pay. After some research I think the issue was due to some regulation passed by the Reserve Bank of India against the subscription payment. After that I contacted the C3 support team they gave me their Paypal mail id and bank details for a direct bank transfer. I tried to pay through paypal as a one time payment and its accepted by my bank.

    For a direct Paypal or Bank transfer minimum commitment is 1 year because its a difficult task to verify the payment each month.

    Also contact your bank to see is there any issue in sending payment from Russia

  • thank you my friend))) you saved me and everyone who is just like me.

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  • You are welcome brother. If you solve your issue, Update it here then everyone like you can realize whats the issue and solution

  • Also contact your bank to see is there any issue in sending payment from Russia

    Due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, europe and lots of banking systems have sanctioned Russia. Master, visa, both suspended services in Russia. Swift banking system is blocking Russian customers.

    And if I am not mistaken, paypal suspended services in russia mid march somewhere already ....

    I am guessing that MIR banking is also not working with transactions towards european countries. (or UK for that matter)

    This will be a tough one.

  • Three harder options

    1. Fly to UK, go to scirra and pay directly.

    2. If there is any friends or relatives in any other countries ask them for a help

    3. If possible open a bank account in other countries(Some of my Russian colleagues

    opened bank account in Armenia)

  • Yes, now, due to the fact that payments have been blocked, it is not possible to buy a license to continue working. What to do now with projects that are built using this engine? Can't we find some solution to get around this problem? what about the license?

  • I did it with PayPal, worked perfecly, and is very safe but i see is blocked now in Russia, damn, sorry man.

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