Neither 'On Collision' nor 'Overlaps at offset' works with moving platform

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  • Hey all,

    It seems neither 'On Collision' nor 'Overlaps at offset' will work when a platformer object hits a solid object while standing on a moving platform.

    I made a very simple sample project to demonstrate - clicking on the blue block makes it move left, but when the player collides with the purple block the events do not trigger.

    Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • I don't think using 1 | -1 works here, it works if you split it up. I don't think Construct particularely likes | in many cases. Now as to why it doesn't detect a collision... no idea, but I'd guess it has someting to do with the inner workings of the platformer behavior? The platformer behavior also has a condition (is by wall) for checking this btw.

  • I don't think using 1 | -1 works here, it works if you split it up. I don't think Construct particularely likes | in many cases. Now as to why it doesn't detect a collision... no idea, but I'd guess it has someting to do with the inner workings of the platformer behavior? The platformer behavior also has a condition (is by wall) for checking this btw.

    Ah interesting, splitting it out does indeed work. I should have tried it :)

    I'll do that moving forward. Thanks!

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