Do I need separate arrays for each chest? (Inventory)

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From the Asset Store
_ Fully animated top down mimic chests game sprites _
  • Hi guys, I need a help with my inventory system

    Look at the below image as an example

    My inventory system is like this and I use arrays in my project and the code is just like the inventory example in construct 3 start page

    In my game there are many chests with items which I want the player loot them

    my question is:

    should I use separate arrays for each chest in order to store the item IDs and other data (is this efficient way or not?) or that's better to use another method?



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  • I'm not familiar with the example but if you are only using 2D arrays you could use 3D arrays instead and use a different depth for each chest.

  • Don't worry about efficiency, just use whatever makes sense to you.

    You can use a container to associate each instance of the chest sprite with it's own array.

    Or you can use a 3d array as calminthenight suggests, which is basically a stack of arrays all in one object. However, this is a little less flexible in that all of them will have to have the same dimensions.

  • So, I'm going to try 3D arrays.

    Thank you guys for the suggestion!

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