I need help figuring out this bug!!! Shaky tank!!!!

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From the Asset Store
Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • In this game, when a player dies, a couple of behaviours are disabled, one variable has its value changed and some 3D shapes have an FX enabled. Then, after waiting a few seconds, the player respawns by being repositioned to its spawn point and resets most of what has been done when they died (re-enables behaviours and disables 3D shapes' FX).

    I am running into an issue where after those few seconds pass and the player respawns, they're still unable to move, simply shaking when attempting to do so.

    The expected outcome would be:

    1. Player dies. The 3D shapes become red and the dead player stays there for ~3 seconds before respawning.

    2. After those 3 seconds, the player is immediately brought back to its spawn point, ready to get back in action.

    Current Outcome:

    1. Player dies. The 3D shapes become red and the dead player stays there for ~3 seconds before respawning.

    2. After those 3 seconds, the player is brought back to its spawn point and is unable to move for those same 3 seconds, simply shaking when commanding them to move.

    Here are some things I observed:

    - The shaking problem doesn't occur if I set the player's position to its spawn point before having the system wait for 3 seconds, making me believe that the issue could be related to that action.

    - The glitch is not related to the behaviours that are being enabled/disabled. I have tested the game with those actions disabled and nothing has changed.

    Does anybody have any clue on what that could be? I shared a link to my project below, but I am using an external plugin to support 3D models that I imagine many must not have.


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  • Think you need trigger one while true with that. or set an extra variable, now it keeps happening.

  • Yep! All it needed was a "Trigger Once While True". Now it's working as intended.

    I can't believe it was such a simple fix XD. Thanks a lot, !

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