How do I use multiplayer in construct? Help

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hi, I am developing online card game but I red that the multiplayer plugin of Construct is very difficut to use... Is there an alternative or a guide (with simple examples) where I can learn about this plugin? In addiction I heard that p2p multiplayer is laggy and I prefer to use a central server...

    Would somebody give me directions to make this "multiplayer project" with Construct?

  • The official multiplayer tutorials are well written and about as simple as it gets.

    You can use a central server as the host with the multiplayer plugin, you'll just need a dedicated server to join as the host and stay online.

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  • The official multiplayer tutorials are well written and about as simple as it gets.

    You can use a central server as the host with the multiplayer plugin, you'll just need a dedicated server to join as the host and stay online.

    Thank you for the reply... How can I create a central server?

  • You can make one version of your game with host events only, and a client version that only joins rooms as peers.

  • You can make one version of your game with host events only, and a client version that only joins rooms as peers.

    I would LOVE to see a game, demo, something, that uses the official multiplayer plugin in this capacity. I recall a few years ago playing on the official mp demo with a number of other people and found the rubber banding and lag to be horrendous. If anyone has this working smoothly, I'd love to see it.

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