How do I modify my textbox css?

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Forget about default textbox restrictions, you can create sprites atop of the textbox
  • Currently I'm doing something like this and jesus I swear it is not meant to be used this way. This is going to take forever if it's meant to be done this way, can someone guide me through the right way? I have knowledge with CSS, I tried adding an internal CSS under "File" and using only ID instead of classes. Besides that, how would the CSS read my pseudo class? If it's meant to be done with the first way, when my textbox is :active, it bolds up like below, and I want to remove the bolded area.

    I tried ":active" , "none", didn't work.

    PS: Solved the bottom problem with Outline: "0"

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  • When I incorporate css, i create a css file.

    For example, add something like this:

    #blablabla {

    border: 2px solid dodgerblue;

    padding: 5px;

    font-size: 50px;

    border-radius: 6px;


    On start of layout :

    -> Browser: Load stylesheet from "myfile.css"

    and in the ID property of the textinput I type "blablabla"

    should work. You can apply the same "blablabla" in the ID of all of the textinputs of your project.

  • When I incorporate css, i create a css file.

    For example, add something like this:

    #blablabla {

    border: 2px solid dodgerblue;

    padding: 5px;

    font-size: 50px;

    border-radius: 6px;


    On start of layout :

    -> Browser: Load stylesheet from "myfile.css"

    and in the ID property of the textinput I type "blablabla"

    should work. You can apply the same "blablabla" in the ID of all of the textinputs of your project.

    Cool, thanks totally what I was looking for, guess I forgot to load the css on start of layout.

  • no problem, you can also watch my C3 gem here, and if you're pretty new to Construct watch some other video's on my channel


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