How do I make Minecraft like water

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From the Asset Store
Tileset with underwater deep sea theme. Suitable for adventure, action, or similar games.
  • Hi there, I have always wanted to make a Minecraft 2D game and I have made some with Gamemaker but since switching to construct 3. I would like to make a good one. I have never been able to make water work and I know the basic logic to do so just not the ability to code it. I want the water block to see if there is a empty space next to it and if so create another water block next to it in the empty space. I did some quick Messing around before construct crashed and it worked to make the water block if there was an empty space next to it but unfortunately it would just keep making water block even if it sensed a non water block was next to it. I was using the if overlapping offset condition to check if place was free and then using an instance var to keep it if the offset detected a non water block. I will definitely mess more with it soon but just wondering if anyone knows how to do this. Note I’m not looking for a physic behavior simply just to check if either side of the block is free and if so then create a water block next to it


  • Here is a proof of concept of the water mechanic

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  • You would normally use a tilemap, and check the if the tiles next to each water tile meets the conditions for a change, and change it if it does.

  • I basically did but spawning objects next to the water block to act as collision detection. I assume it’s close to the tile map but the hard way

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  • Not really a question,I figured you saw my reply to my question. I had figured out a mechanic for it and posted a video on yt then posted the video as a reply here for anyone to view and ask questions about it. then I saw your reply and from what I know about tile maps, I basically made my own tile map using sprite object

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