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  • I've been testing my game on a webhost, as recommended, for the past 2 months.

    However, today I'm getting an unusual error, and a black screen.

    The error is:

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'IsInContainer') at Layout._CreateAndLinkContainerInstances (c3runtime.js:1636:210) at Layout._StartRunning (c3runtime.js:1630:446) at C3Runtime.Start (c3runtime.js:3235:417) at async C3Runtime.Init (c3runtime.js:3220:161) at async RuntimeInterface._InitDOM (main.js:41:1) at async RuntimeInterface._Init (main.js:28:372)

    I am able to load an earlier build, and this isn't appearing.

    The only thing I've changed is adding audio to the game, and a few graphics.

    The game plays perfectly fine in preview mode (albiet a little slower than it did in the previous version of Construct 3), but beyond that, I have no idea how to fix the error.

    All I get is a black screen, no audio... nothing.

  • Just to follow up, the game also works when exported using NW.exe. It just doesn't work when exported as HTML5.

    Ashley So I'm not sure if this is a bug with something I've changed in the game, but it seems odd that it only appears in the html5 export.

    I've been testing the game online using HTML5 exports from the very beginning, so it's odd that it's suddenly started happening.

    As I mentioned, the only thing I've really added is audio and a few more sprites.

  • I'm afraid it's impossible to help from just this information. Please file an issue following all the guidelines, as we need all the requested information to look in to it.

  • Ashley So... not sure whether to pursue this.

    I started to minimalize the project, deleting events and sprites until it reached the point where the game started working again.

    When that happened, I started backtracking and undoing my deletions until the project stopped working again.

    The problem is... it didn't break again. Apparently deleting the game and undoing that has fixed the bug. Literally nothing else has changed.

    I have a save file before it broke, which is still broken, but how could deleting and undoing solve this problem?

    Do you still want me to figure out which specific sprite or file broke the game? Or should I just shrug it off?

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  • Had similar occurences a couple times. A new export, upload, and cache refresh (ctrl+F5) solved it.

  • Had similar occurences a couple times. A new export, upload, and cache refresh (ctrl+F5) solved it.

    Tried that :D For the past 4 hours, I've been removing eventsheets, sprites, etc, and have finally reached a point where if I delete any more objects, the game doesn't crash.

    Time to submit a bug report.

  • Yikes, let's hope that gets sorted 😬

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