How to manipulate the black screen at the beginning of the project (SOLVED)

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From the Asset Store
With this template you can create your own archer game and customize it however you want.
  • I am making a game which size is approx is 65 MB. Everything is fine-game is working smoothly. But i am facing a very big issue

    When i exported my game( apk for android ),it firsts shows a black screen for SOLID 20 seconds !!! ,then loading bar appears for 1 second and then game starts.This is something which will completely destroy my project !!!

    Can anyone help me how to replace the black screen with an image (or anything else).Or any other way to deal with this issue ???

    I have also attached a video regarding the issue(please ignore the UI of the game.This was for just testing purpose !!!)

  • Youtube link

  • Do you have a loader layout?

    If you add it, make it as light as possible - minimum graphics, no music etc.

  • Hi.Thanks for the reply

    I have already tried that too(but I think that it was not applicable for APK file as it was written that the concept was not compatible with native apps like for ios and android).Truly speaking this problem is not even letting me sleep properly

    But again thanks for the reply !!!

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  • Ashley What "exactly" happens in the background during the black screen period when a game is launched in mobile(APK)? I might directly work in that area and reduce the black loading time.(20 second is REALLY too much !!!) You can even look at the video posted above

  • That seems like a very long time. My game I'm working on is black for maybe a second or two before the loader pops up (Galaxy Note 9 and Google Pixel 2). I do notice your battery is down to 5% which may throttle the performance of the phone to preserve battery but not sure otherwise. What model of phone is that? Can't tell just from the video.

  • That seems like a very long time. My game I'm working on is black for maybe a second or two before the loader pops up (Galaxy Note 9 and Google Pixel 2). I do notice your battery is down to 5% which may throttle the performance of the phone to preserve battery but not sure otherwise. What model of phone is that? Can't tell just from the video.

    Hi,Thanks for the reply

    No,the battery status has nothing to do with it. And my phone is honor 7x (4 gb RAM)

    I am working non-stop since yesterday on it but still empty handed...

  • Some stats about my project

    APK size :- 50 MB (I don't think that it is too much.)

    Number of layouts:-approx 400

    Number of event sheets:-121 (100 layouts are connected to one event sheet and another 200 layouts are connected to another event sheet)

    Number of objects:-Quite a lot. But the size is very small.

    No audio file

    Few more things regarding the project-there are lots of variables and events(obviously the are in separate events sheets).And even for optimization I keep most of images in "Project file section"

  • Some things which I noticed:-

    After doing analysis on the APK file,I noticed that loading time of my game was 'directly proportional to size of data.json'. data.json is inside "assets-->www folder of the apk file"

    When size of data.json :-

    13 MB-->20 second of black screen

    7 MB-->10 second of black screen

    2.5 MB-->4-5 second of black screen

    I am also attaching the data.json file. Maybe Ashley can guide us here :-)

  • You can try getting Logcat log from the phone. It's possible that you'll see some error message there which will explain the long loading time.

    Are you using any external plugin like Enhance, analytics etc.? It may be trying to establish connection with its server at startup.


    Just saw your other comments, it makes sense now - there are too many objects, layouts, event sheets. It takes time to read them all.

    I have a pretty large game for Android, and the data.js file in the apk is only 700Kb.

  • Issue solved !!!

    I filed a bug regarding that and Ashley solved the issue in r207. My project which used to take 20 seconds now only takes 3 seconds

    Thanks everyone for helping me !!!

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