How do I load my app before getting to the main menu?

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ready made menu you can download this one or just follow my tutorial to make it yourself
  • Hello all,

    I read the manual for loader layout and splash page and can not figure out how to get my local storage to load, then once all my variables are loaded, transition to the main menu. Here is screenshot of my load screen layout. I want to make sure all the devices are able to load their saved variables from local storage before moving to the main menu.


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  • Hi. You can do this.

  • igortyhon this is a cool load icon, but it seems to be time based. How can i make sure that everything loads in time for each device before it transitions to the main menu? My concern is older devices not being able to load their data before the set time.

  • This example was done for someone else, so you don't need to look at the icon.

    You can switch to another layout after the trigger no found or save loaded.

  • igortyhon THANK YOU! I was able to use your example to figure out why 'on items set' was not working when i tried it. It doesn't work if nothing has ever been saved for the item to local storage. I'll add something to have it set something by default if it's missing for each stored value. Thanks again!

  • It doesn't work if nothing has ever been saved for the item to local storage. I'll add something to have it set something by default if it's missing for each stored value. Thanks again!

    There is also an action there in case the save is not found.

    Or you want your colleagues to use your screenshot with actions and rework it. It's not difficult, but it will degrade your development experience.

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