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  • How to create lighting that doesn't go through walls but still illuminates the walls themselves?

    I'm sorry if the question is unclear, I used the GPT chat


  • Chat gpt created the question? That’s a new one. I thought people used it to get answers. Any particular reason you don’t just ask the question directly? I may just be confused though.

    Anyways, since construct is a 2d engine you can use the shadow caster behavior to do shadows. But since you write walls maybe you mean on a 3d shape? In which case it’s a pain to do since the engine isn’t built for it. But search the forum and you can find some complicated solutions of sorts.

  • Chat gpt created the question? That’s a new one. I thought people used it to get answers. Any particular reason you don’t just ask the question directly? I may just be confused though.

    Anyways, since construct is a 2d engine you can use the shadow caster behavior to do shadows. But since you write walls maybe you mean on a 3d shape? In which case it’s a pain to do since the engine isn’t built for it. But search the forum and you can find some complicated solutions of sorts.

    I translated the question into English using Chat GPT, because Google doesn't always translate well. And the question belongs to me

    The walls are not 3D, just 2d walls. I want the light does not pass through them and not be able to see what's behind the wall and see the texture of the wall itself

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  • That’s trickier. One quick way could be to use the line of sight behavior to see if a wall can be seen by the player and if it is move the wall to a layer above the shadows.

    Otherwise I’d give it more thought and do the shadows another way. Probably drawing them with the canvas plug-in.

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