How do I get inventory items to show on a different layout?

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Adjusting the game screen for different resolutions (Letterbox scale)
  • Hello everyone,

    It's been a while since I got stuck on something and for this problem I

    have one layout that the player gets to pick items and it gets added to

    inventory slots. I have those same slots on the main layout but the items

    I picked won't show on the main level layout inventory slots which are on the HUD layer. I even added the event sheet for the item layout to the main layout. I have the items spawning on the item layer and HUD layer but still nothing. First pic is the layout player selects items and those same white item boxes are on the main layout on the HUD layer so player so access and use the items. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • It only creates items when you pick them up so it won't create them again or run the function on the other layout, but if it's about visibility of those icons then make the layer called HUD a global layer and make sure HUD layer is in both layouts.

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