Thanks i just had to add waitxloopindex
wait*loopindex, might not be the best approach if im not mistaken... i hope i am.. all the bellow conditions will wait *loopindex not just the actions in the loop you created.
this was a known "issue" or mechanical thing since construct classic, i don't think it changed.
how are other conditions under the loop firing?
i would do a object.variable, and set it to 1 by loopindex for each object and use the wait time trigger behavior.
and then on a separated condition trigger
if object.variable =1 set timer to 1 second
if object.timer = true
ibject.opacity<100 set opacity to self.opacity+10
then another condition control on a new line
if object.opacity>100 set variable to = 0
this approach avoids having to delay the rest of the event sheet code bellow your wait*loopindex ... again maybe that changed... but i remember that was a big issue, especially when you have animation parts or collisions needing to happen instant.
Reason for that being you are telling the "system" to wait not the object.
i would do you a example of my code above, but since google drive doesn't wanna directly connect to my construct .. im lazy to manually upload it.