How do I can improve a frame rate of a mobile game ?

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Selection frame like in RTS games, works both on mobile and desktop devices.
  • Hello,

    I try to make a virtual festival where kids can be accessed with a phone with the internet. But I am not an expert with Construct 3 on mobiles and the project have a slow frame rate. I try to remove, FX or animation, but the frame rate is not improving. Do you know how I can improve the frame rate of my project ?

    Thank you for all your answer.



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  • Don't use tiled background with huge images. The starting layout looks about 200mb memory usage, should be below 100 really as a target.

  • Thank for all the information. This resolve my problem.

  • Another great way to help save on resources if your using a lot of sprites is to compress all your images.

    100mb of images can easily turn into 40-50mb just by compressing them on a site like tinypng for example

  • This is strange. I modified all images to reduce the resolution. The project has less than 100 memory usage but when I did a test with a remote mobile, this still lagging on my phone. Do you know what a miss ?

    I upload the new C3P.

  • With a remote mobile means what exactly?

  • Yep, with the remote mobile.

  • Just tested on my mobile - works absolutely fine, no lag. Google Pixel 6.

    The problem with mobile is there are so many different types with an array on different hardware. Newer phones will run most C3 projects absolutely fine, older devices with dated hardware will struggle, even on simple games.

    You could try adding a low resolution button, click to alter graphics to a lesser quality and/or disable behaviours/effects to help reduce memory usage on lower end devices.

    Here is an example from my game - by disabling a few bullet behaviours for the fog, shadows and weather effects, some high resource levels go from 40 FPS to 60 FPS on my remdi note 9. On my pixel 6, no need to click the button as it all runs fine.

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