i am currently trying to implement a knock back effect using the physics impulse event although i set it up as if the player x and y was less than the mob apply impulse towards position of the player -30 each it aint working did the opposite if it was greater as well anyone can help with this i cant use the 8 movments knock back thing because i got an event that sets the angle towards the position of the mouse every tick
You should add some punctuation marks, it's difficult to understand you.
If you are using Physics behavior, you should avoid setting object angle directly.
hmmmmmmmmm guess i will add a screen shot to be more precise what did i do wrong here should be understandable enough as a question
You can use Apply Impulse At Angle angle(mob.x, mob.y, self.x, self.y)
Also, using Physics and MoveTo with the same object may cause problems.
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sadly it didnt work there is no knock back what so ever i didnt think that making a knock back effect this is how its looking rn
is there any other way to implement a knock back effect other than using physics
Did you try my suggestion??
Player on Collision with mob Player Apply Impulse 30 At Angle angle(mob.x, mob.y, self.x, self.y)
Without Physics:
im afraid your suggestion didnt work sadly i tried switching the movement behavior to bullet as well but it still didnt work im gonna try the 8 direction one i only have 1 issue rn with the file you sent me the its the knockback force i dont have anything that resembles it in my project sadly i tried to switch it up with numbers to see if it will work but it didnt is the knock back issue at hand because of the behaviors or what frankly i didnt expect knock back to be such a pain to add if you want i can send you the project if you wanna check if something is wrong in it since the project is only a learning experience for me rn i dont plan to make it into a game
It's not a pain to add. If you are using physics - apply impulse at angle away from the enemy. If you are using 8direction - set X and Y velocity. I posted both examples in this thread.
i made another project and the 8 movements method worked in it but didnt work in my project somehow thank you for suggesting it the problem was with my project not your method