IAP in iOS not working.

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  • I've uploaded my app to the App Store and the Play Store. In the Play Store the IAP is working as intended, but it's not working in the App Store. I've used the same product ID for both stores, to make it easier for myself.

    Can anyone tell me, if there's something extra I have to do for iOS to make the IAP work, or have I done some mistake in apple connect then?

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  • I've uploaded my app to the App Store and the Play Store. In the Play Store the IAP is working as intended, but it's not working in the App Store. I've used the same product ID for both stores, to make it easier for myself.

    Can anyone tell me, if there's something extra I have to do for iOS to make the IAP work, or have I done some mistake in apple connect then?

    Have you configured the IAP on the apple developer dashboard?

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