IAP contruct 3?

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  • 13 posts
  • i have read manual about IAP construct 3 but dont understand. i want to make NON-CONSUMABLE IAP in construct 3. Can someone help me step by step how to use IAP in construct 3.?

  • For android ?

  • Yes

  • I want to export my project as a unsigned apk but it said "build failed" and I am seeing too many lettering about error. But I deleted Mobile IAP plugin and I am trying, then it is working and build successful. I did not install my apk for google play store yet, so mobile iap plugin has no function yet. However, it will work in certain future processes. (during purchases). But I am having this problem, what is the problem? What should I do to prevent this?

    NOT: The IAP plugin has not yet been configured. (I did not set Mobile IAP's settings, So I did not enter "public key" and like that")

  • share your config.xml here maybe we can help

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  • wich cordova cli version you use ?

    cordova android 6 ? 7 ? 8 ?

    try to remove that plugin cordova-custom-config


  • wich cordova cli version you use ?

    cordova android 6 ? 7 ? 8 ?

    try to remove that plugin cordova-custom-config

    y cordova version is 8. Ok bro, I will try again.

  • > wich cordova cli version you use ?

    > cordova android 6 ? 7 ? 8 ?

    > try to remove that plugin cordova-custom-config

    > y cordova version is 8. Ok bro, I will try again.

    ut reading "cordova android 7.0.0" it is true?

  • i'm using cordova 7.1.0

    and it's working ok

    why you don't try with cordova 7 ?

  • i'm using cordova 7.1.0

    and it's working ok

    why you don't try with cordova 7 ?

    LuisCGForte helped me, thanks for this. I fixed this problem. What exactly is your problem about IAP? Maybe I can help you.

  • > i'm using cordova 7.1.0

    > and it's working ok

    > why you don't try with cordova 7 ?

    > LuisCGForte helped me, thanks for this. I fixed this problem. What exactly is your problem about IAP? Maybe I can help you.

    when i try to add cordova android using this command

    cordova platform add android it add android 7.1.0

    i want to know how did you do to add the cordova 8 ?


  • >

    > > i'm using cordova 7.1.0

    > > and it's working ok

    > > why you don't try with cordova 7 ?

    > > LuisCGForte helped me, thanks for this. I fixed this problem. What exactly is your problem about IAP? Maybe I can help you.


    when i try to add cordova android using this command

    cordova platform add android it add android 7.1.0

    i want to know how did you do to add the cordova 8 ?


    am not using Cordova 8. If you still have problems with IAP I can help you.

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