HTML Element Table - Rotate

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  • Hi All

    I've been using the new HTML element plugin, more specifically the HTML table example.

    It's great! I've managed to implement it into my game pretty seamlessly.

    However I wish for the table to be rotated 270 degrees on occasion.

    I've used 'transform: rotate(270deg)' which does rotate the table contents. (see below code)

    .resultstable {
    	width: 100%; /* Fill up the width of the HTML element */	
    	border-collapse: collapse;/* Allow cell borders to collapse */
    	transform: rotate(270deg);

    However for the life of me I can't figure out how to change the size to match the HTML element at this new angle. The 'Width: 100%' command sets the size based on the table before the rotation. I've tried putting it after the rotate command, but it hasn't made a difference.

    I've tried loads of other things and scoured Google search but to no avail.

    I know this is more of a CSS question rather than construct! But any help much appreciated.

    See below image of what the table looks like after rotation.



  • Add this to your css

    .resultswrap2 {
    	font-family: Arial, sans-serif;	/* Match Arial on the Text object */
    	border: 1px solid black;		/* Add a black border */
    	overflow-y: auto;
    	transform: rotate(270deg);

    Then add something like.

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  • Hi Sizcoz

    Ah this does actually work a lot better! Thanks!

    However if the element is not square, it means that it is likely it will no longer fit the viewport after the rotate. Still looks like below:

    I've tried changing the size after the rotate, but that doesn't seem to help.

    Any thoughts?


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