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Make your own platformer for both the web and mobile easy with this Santas Platformer Template, FULLY DOCUMENTED
  • Hello again. So, I've decided to go with an actual bullet animation and not an arrow like in Archer Forest. I will put my questions into this thread now, so I don't make new ones daily.

    I am having an issue where my waves of monsters suddenly stop at around 90 waves, before that it was at around 50. I am wondering if this is an issue with cache? Can anyone shed some light on this for me. I have yet to try this on a mobile device. I will export it as an APK and then try it on Bluestacks, but that is yet to happen.



  • There is not enough information to even begin to guess what your problem is.

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  • There is not enough information to even begin to guess what your problem is.

    Sorry I realised that it was just me being an idiot and not paying attention to the game. It was causing issues because my waves would kill my wall and hence stop the waves :)

    Thanks for the reply at least, I appreciate you taking the time, even if no actual answewr!

  • Hello, I am having another issue with coins on my game. I made it so that my game will drop coins on death/destroyed of the enemy, but the issue I am having is that it creates coin drops in the top left corner of the game, as well as from the enemies dying. As you can see in the gif below;

    I am not entirely sure what the issue could be, as it is set like this;

    Any help is appreciated! Thanks :)


  • Hello, I am having another issue with coins on my game. I made it so that my game will drop coins on death/destroyed of the enemy, but the issue I am having is that it creates coin drops in the top left corner of the game, as well as from the enemies dying. As you can see in the gif below;

    I am not entirely sure what the issue could be, as it is set like this;

    Any help is appreciated! Thanks :)


    Fixed it myself by changing the coin drop to per tick and adding it to a separate condition. :)

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