Help on multiplayer pong(photon)

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  • i was trying to sync the ball in my pong game but something i don't understand is wrong, basically the ball starts vibrating like it's lagging a lot, here the code

    the game if you need it:

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  • i was trying to sync the ball in my pong game but something i don't understand is wrong, basically the ball starts vibrating like it's lagging a lot, here the code


    I think I’ve figured out what the problem is, is like the ball always goes back in time a few milliseconds, because when I say "at event 2 set the position..." the ball will have already changed position in my local instance, then at the trigger of that event the server will update the position of the ball with an old datum. So basically, how do I synchronize the ball based on the server? I mean, how do I get the server to calculate the direction of the ball?(can it be done with photon?)

    the game if you need it:

  • Your probably better off asking or looking up some documentation for photon as its a 3rd party multiplayer plugin, the documentation can easily be translated to c3 form c# as all the api SHOULD be translated in the plugin your using

    you can find the documentation here

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