Help fixing first person camera

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  • So I'm using the first camera system showcased in the "Foggy Outbreak" example game.

    Code being used:

    So I'm having trouble with the camera rotation not fully resetting upon entering a new layout:

    The character is facing left before opening the door, going through the door brings the player to a new layout

    When the player enters the next room the camera rotation should be (0,90) and the way the camera is shown it looks like it is, but instead its the exact same as when it was in the previous room. The player also controls as if it were facing left

    Upon moving the mouse the camera snaps to the previous rotation it was in, than the player can move the camera as normal.

    I've also noticed that this same problem occurs in the "Foggy Outbreak" example game when the character starts off not facing right so assume its nothing wrong with my game itself.

    Does anyone know anything I could add to fix this issue or if there's an alternative way for a first person camera I could use? Thanks!

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