How to handle saved variables on updates?

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  • Hi!

    I have some variables in my game that indicate how many ready things the games has so far; for example a variable called "readyLevels" that I use to indicate how many levels the game currently has.

    I'm not certain how to handle these variables on app updates. The problem is that I'm using the save-feature of construct which will save all the variable states. So even if I indicate that the amount of "readyLevels" has increased from 10 to 12, when the end user loads the game, the saved state of that variable will override the new value and set it back to 10.

    What would be a good way of handling such variables when using the save feature?


  • You can use a global object (an invisible sprite) with NoSave behavior. Create instance variables on that sprite to store the values which should not be affected by saving/loading.

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  • That's a clever and good solution! Thanks!

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