How do I go to the next level after achieving the maximum score?

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  • Hi everyone,

    I'm totally new to construct2. As an assignment for school we have to make a game. I'm very bad at this. After watching a LOT of videos I have put in the lives, I can make the player do most of the things I want. comes the difficult part (at least, to me)... In the first level I only have an endless runner and I want to make it go to the next level if it achieves a certain score. How can I make it do that? Please, somebody help. I only have one request...please explain it as easy as possible...

    I'm totally lost.


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  • Add to a global variable which is the score then say, on the left conditions system compare variable, score great than some value, then on the right side actions, go to layout 'next level'

  • Thank you! I will try it directly

  • lionz Hi Lionz,

    I tried doing it, but didn't succeed. When the infinite runner starts running, you will see the distance it ran. That will be the 'score'. The globalvariable is distance. I put the compare distance. and when it achieves that distance, to go to level 2. But...I must be doing something very wrong, because it doesn't do anything.

    I know it's much to ask, but could you explain it in steps? Step 1: .... Or could you try to make a picture of the events/actions I have to write down? I'm lost. I tried searching for tutorials but couldn't find any about this exact theme.

  • TomoloGames, thank you so very much. It worked.

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