I've got a plant enemy. It has a stationary plant sprite, and a head sprite that rotates and fires spores at the player. Simple enough, right? Well, no.
The plant starts at 1% Size, when it comes on-screen it enlarges to 100% size and begins it's normal behavior. When it takes 4 shots from the player, it shrinks back to 1% and Destroys itself. That's the theory anyway.
I've got both sprites in a family, with health, size and enemy phase all in Family Instance Variables. All code regarding it's size and health only reference the family variable.
Everything works as it should BUT, when the player kills the enemy only the part that took the hit will shrink (both will destroy once it hits 1% size) and I need both parts to shrink the same way they both grew at the start.
I'm sure my code is rather un-streamlined, but I've tried to annotate everything to help.