Game over point animation

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  • Hello everybody. Im quite new and i have a problem

    I would like to animate my game over points in this way: if, during the game, you've reached 10 points, in the game over screen i would like to show the counts starting from 0 and going up... 1..2..3..4..5.. and so until 10.

    I guessed the best way to do this is a while loop starting from 0, and ending to 10. So i tried and i have 2 questions.

    1)- Why if i choose the while loop there isn't an ending condition?

    2)-If i try with the repeat (for n. times) or the for loop (until reached n.) the code doesn't escape when the condition is reached. why that?


  • If you leave events open like that they run constantly in Construct (or every tick as it's referred to). You can add a Trigger Once condition under System, or some other condition that causes it to trigger once like a trigger event, key press etc.

  • Thanks lionz, you are right in this.

    Another question: in this way if i reach 200 points it goes instantly from 0 to 200. I like to animate a little bit and showing the points going up . I tried with System - wait 0.5 at the the end of the events but doesn't work (im still working as i do in phph and js). Do u think there are some other trick to reach this result? thanks

  • Above the add 1 action, add a Wait and use loopindex*0.5 seconds

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  • That's perfect! thanks!

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