Friends how to insert a sprite in the chat?

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Chat with smart animals using the OpenAi Chat GPT 3 API
  • Just read a friend, don't be lazy. Perhaps you know the answer. Friends, I created a chat, people can register in it, throw friendship requests, chat, block each other, etc. Almost like a social network.

    When people chat with each other, I need that when they send a photo of themselves, the photo appears in the chat where text messages appear.

    I use a textbox to display sms.

    To send your photo to filechooser and plugin for image encoding and decoding.

    When the user encodes an image and submits the image code is sent to the user and how do I get it to show up in the chat? anyone have any ideas.

    I will be very glad to any idea.

    Now I will do this method using not literate code. The image code will be written to the sheet and when clicked, the image with the code we clicked on will be shown.


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  • I need this too, were you able to implement it?

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