How do I flip/mirror 3 player in 3 team?

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  • I'm having a little trouble with the (flip/mirror) sprite problem

    my problem is that i have "character" , enemy1 , enemy2

    I want to handle it so that when near each other, these three characters will face the direction of the nearest enemy (character , enemy1 , enemy2 are three independent teams),

    I have handled character and enemy1, however when having enemy2, I realized that even when standing close to each other enemy1 , enemy2 don't face each other, they always face the "character" no matter how I edit the code, what should I do?

    p/s : i add

    character and enemy 1 in a family A >< enemy 2

    enemy 2 and character in a family B >< enemy 1

    enemy 1 and enemy2 in a family C >< character


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