How do I flash an enemy animation without flashing every enemy?

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  • i have enemy animation attached to the enemy collision box. So if an enemy box is colliding with something, how to make the enemy animation flash without flashing all other enemy instances?

    'bullet on collision with enemyBox -> enemyAnimation flash'

    doesn't seem to work because the animation is unreferenced, even though I have set them to the same container

  • I was going to say use a container but looks like you did that and there shouldn't be a problem with it.

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  • lionz

    could u perhaps notice what I did wrong here? both of them tint or flash all the animation

  • You should deal with the objects that are in a container together not the family.

  • uhm could u please elaborate it further?

    I did it like this, but they didn't do anything instead

  • or this. if i do it like this, every instance is tinted blue

  • Redo all the events without the families and only the 2 objects you need that are in a container. When you pick all family and apply to family it takes away that relationship between the two objects.

    If you want to continue with families you could do something like have a family instance variable and when the object in enemies is created, set the variable also on the enemiesanimation object. Then in these events you can pick enemiesanimation that has a matching variable with enemies.

  • alright, thanks for the reply, I tried everything I know to make the family work, but to no avail. So in the end, it seems like I need to rewrite the events again

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