How do I fix this wall glitch?

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  • As you can see in the gif, my character at times just changes sides from this moving solid object.

    The object is using "MoveTo" and "Solid", and my character has "Platform".

    I've been looking at for three days and can't seem to fix it.

    I changed the movement to tweens and it kept glitching, I used Timelines and it also glitched.

    I understand this is like a "solid ejection" like my character is somehow overlapping the moving solid, but when I check for overlapping triggers, nothing pops out.

    And also the gif clearly shows that the moving piece is very slow, so it boggles me even more.

    I'd appreciate ANY feedback, thanks in advance.

  • As an experiment, try Bullet or Sine behaviors for the wall. They have been around for ages (long before MoveTo) and may work better with the Platform.

    Another option I would try is making the collision mask on the solid wall wider.

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  • The thing is I did exactly that, I tripled the size of the walls, I also did try Bullet and Sine as per your idea, but the character still managed to clip through.

    In the end there's nothing I can trust regarding movement, I honestly gave up using the behaviors provided and resorted to build a custom movement system that is precise.

    I deeply appreciate your input though.

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