How do I fix this image resizing issue when using pin??

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Wall Pin Board is a hyper causal game developed for fun and inspired by YouTube video whose link is given in description
  • I'm using a pre-configured combat game project to build out a combat card game. So far I've been making some changes to the graphics used but not much else. I'm running into an issue when resizing some of the placeholder sprites for the card template which is used to create all card types at gameplay.

    Looking through the event sheet I see where the card graphic is being pinned to the card frame as well as the other elements on the card such as title, attributes, description etc.

    The issue I'm running into is when I resize the card graphic on the card template, everything looks fine on the template, and even when I hit play on the card template view, the cards render and look correct. However, when I hit play from the Main Layout the cards render with the card graphic sticking out above the frame and other elements, as if it's burst out of the placeholders or is being stretched in some odd way. I can't make sense of what even might be causing this or why it looks different than the card template render view.

    I've attached screenshots of each view to show what I mean. If there is an easy way to share my event sheet please let me know and thanks for any help!


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  • This is the problem with using premade files I guess. You'd have to share the file. Could be a pin to imagepoint problem and you moved the imagepoint.

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