How do I fix Facebook Instant Games Leaderboard?

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From the Asset Store
Easy Leaderboard is a simple 3-column (position, name, score) leaderboard with a customizable appearance
  • Hi to all devs here, I have a problem that I'm unable to load or set my Leaderboard that I have create in fb developers dashboard. Favebook has deprecated global leaderboards and now we need to provide contextID. When I try to console.log my contextID(InstantGames.ContextID) I got nothingin my console(blank). Does anyone know how we should provide that context or any info about it?


  • So... are you even in a context?

  • I dont know what you mean... can you explain? Give any kind of snippet? Anything that can actually help?

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  • you will only have a contextID if you are in a context, otherwise you will get null. And based on your comment I guess you are not in a context.

    I guess 99% of the users on Instant Games play without context now, so that's normal..

  • I got error in my console saying that global leadeerboard is deprecated and that i should provide context for all leaderboards i create. This worked fone before they change this, i had working example but now its broken.

  • Yes, global leaderboards is long gone from the platform. only contextual exists. but you will need to be in a context to be able to create a leaderboard for that context. so if you're not in a context you will not get a contextID and no leaderboard functionality will work, since there is nothing to load or save..

    but since they removed IG from messenger no players play in contexts any longer basically

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