How do I Fix collision polygons?

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  • 2 posts
  • Hi. So i have this object. Where the top polygons have exactly the same points and

    compared wiht bottom ones.

    Then i have the player and this is the polygon:

    My problem is. If the player walks from top to bottom against the edges of that object it gets kinda stuck with friction and works perfect. If the player runs from bottom to top against the edges of the object, it feels like the objects have butter and it just slides away from the object faster then it can actually walk. Why does this happen since the colisions are basically the same ? How can i fix it ? Thank you a lot :D

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  • I found the solution. I was using Platform behaviour with Bullet to move a Top Down player. I Changed it to a custom movement and when it colides with a solid make it push out of a solid but before that set the speed to 0. Worked Perfect!

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