How do I fix my behvior system ?

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  • hey !

    so i am using the platformer behavior. And Space for simulate Jump.

    But my character is doing higher or nor depending on the framerate.

    What can i do.... ?

  • Hi, I don´t know exactly your problem, but if you put trigger once or key A,B.C...the keys that you use in the platformer and invert or both possibilities , it will probably work.

  • Hi, I don´t know exactly your problem, but if you put trigger once or key A,B.C...the keys that you use in the platformer and invert or both possibilities , it will probably work.

    dont understand :/

    The problem is ' the jump is depending of the framerate "

    I use simulate jump from Platform behavior. It should not have this kind of problem

    60 fps is like jumping at 100px

    30 fps 50 px

    144 fps 150 px

  • How did you make the jump? You need to show your code (event sheet).

  • How did you make the jump? You need to show your code (event sheet).

    it will change anything but if u want to

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  • It's probably your JumpFall function. Why do you need it? Can you just set a higher gravity value?

  • It's probably your JumpFall function. Why do you need it? Can you just set a higher gravity value?

    nope without it is the same.

    Jumpfall is for a variation in the jump. when you let down the space button, the player dont reach the max value of the jump.

  • Are there any other events where you change object position or vectors?

    Can you share your project file?

  • Are there any other events where you change object position or vectors?

    Can you share your project file?

    Maybe on the ring event :

    you have the project and and addon that you need to install. A move to behavior with better things thats the basic one.

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