How do I find the default instance of an object in my project?

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  • If you added an "original" somewhere, and decided to add it to a family at a later stage. Then which one becomes the original one for the settings for the things added to the family. Monkey wrench I tell ya.

    Yeah.. And when you add a new object to the family, it inherits the properties from one of the instances of one of the existing members, but you can never guess which one. It's a mess.

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  • > If you added an "original" somewhere, and decided to add it to a family at a later stage. Then which one becomes the original one for the settings for the things added to the family. Monkey wrench I tell ya.

    Yeah.. And when you add a new object to the family, it inherits the properties from one of the instances of one of the existing members, but you can never guess which one. It's a mess.

    So, Templates for families would be nice, not sure if its feasible though.

    Given all the different properties varying objects can have once stuffed into a family.

    One solutions would be to a "default value" for each and every property of an object/family. So you can do away with all the "original object" references, and simply set the values from within the project tree.

    So many extra input fields .... betting ashley will be really waiting for that '^_^

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