Failed to open project. How to fix ?

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10 Orchestral Soundtracks / ~2 mins each / 11 audio clips in total
  • Hello! I need your help, please!

    I saved a project as usual, but when I try to open it, I receive the following message:

    "Failed to open project. Check if it is a valid Construct 3 folder project."

    I'm facing the same problem with my autosave backup project file!

    I tried using the zip technique to open a single file as a project folder, but I encountered the same error.

    In the console, I see the following message:

    My version is stable r336.

    How can I resolve this issue and successfully open my project?

    Please help!


  • Are you using timelines? I'm guessing the problem is with one of those.

    If you have an older version of the project which works, you can try copying the files in Timelines folder from it to the current project.

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  • Thank you for responding. This was indeed my first time using Timeline. I do have a backup of the project (autosaved), but unfortunately, the issue persists.

    Here is the link to my project for reference:

    I would greatly appreciate if anyone could assist me with this.

  • Are you using timelines? I'm guessing the problem is with one of those.

    If you have an older version of the project which works, you can try copying the files in Timelines folder from it to the current project.

    Greetings! Great news! I successfully accomplished it! I want to express my gratitude for your brilliant idea to include it in the timeline file. Here's what I did in a nutshell:

    I duplicated one of the timeline codes and inserted it into my latest timeline file.

    As a result, I am now able to access my project!

    I cannot thank you enough for your assistance!

  • I could not open my project and found it had a copy of every folder and file inside. Like it was copied in windows explorer while holding ctrl. I deleted the copies and could finally open it. Don't know how this happened.

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