Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project??????

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  • Hello I have been working on a game for the past couple weeks and I save my game file to google drive and never had any issues previously. Just worked on my game a bit last night and saved before closing as I always do. But when I try to open it today for some reason it keeps giving me that error no matter how many times I try to open it. Been trying to find a solution on google and came across the press F12 to see errors but I checked and made sure the developer tools was on but when I press F12 its just my airplane mode shortcut key, not sure if I have to hold another button at the same time as well, I'm using a laptop not sure if that makes a difference or not. But please I would appreciate any help with this, don't want to lose all that progress tbh, thanks!!!! Also I'm still a newbie, so I'm not sure how to attach my project file I don't see an option to do that, more help needed please!!!!!

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  • If you have a 'FN' function key, try holding that while pressing your f12/airplane mode button.

  • Try Ctrl + Shift + I if your FN button doesn't cut it.

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