Failed to open project. Check it is a valid construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project

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  • My project saved on new version construct 3 r197.2

    but i want open my project on version 189.2

    This is important about the suitability of my project in this version 189.2

    I have edited: savedWithRelease: 1892 or 18902

    I tried opening project in old version r189.2 it still gives the same error.

    Anyone please help immediately, because my project wants to be published soon. thank you!

  • 189 is quite old version. If you used any of the new featured added in the past 2 months, you will not be able to open the project in r189.

    Try to open the project, then press F12, open console tab and see if there are any errors.

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  • Console result

    This is important about the suitability of my project in version 189.2, especially in the textbox plugin. In r197.2 version "textbox" - I can't see input, keyboard event under event options.

    Please help immediately, because my project wants to be published soon. thank you!

  • In general, you cannot open projects in older versions of Construct. In this case you've used a new feature of the Pin behavior, which makes it impossible to open in prior versions, before that feature was added.

    Why can't you just keep using r197.2?

  • In general, you cannot open projects in older versions of Construct. In this case you've used a new feature of the Pin behavior, which makes it impossible to open in prior versions, before that feature was added.

    Why can't you just keep using r197.2?

    I can't see input, keyboard event under event options in r197.2

    Is there a way that my project can be opened in version r189.2 ?

  • You are looking for the wrong solution. Downgrading your project to an older version will cause more problems than it solves.

    I can't see input, keyboard event under event options in r197.2

    It's not clear what you mean. It could in fact be working normally. Can you explain more about what this problem is exactly?

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