On failed to load doesn't seem to respond

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  • Hello!

    I recently introduced a new update in my game. I use the native ads plugin for admob and tried to replicate something that worked in my previous version (with banners), now with rewarded interstitials.

    Basically I created 2 ad units in admob with different floors. And told the game to load one ID, and if that one failed, to load the other ID. Admob shows viewers for both, so it works.

    This works. However, when I tried to do the same with rewarded interstitials it doesn't work... and I really don't know why. Since apparently it follows the same logic...

    Any idea on why or alternative solutions? :/

    Thank you very much!


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  • I would try to do a log with the browser plugin when the load failed to make sure it is working or not working as expected.

    How do you make the load fail? Could it be a method that is not doing what you think it's doing?

    A few bugs related to adverts were solved in Beta release 340, not your problem but maybe more bugs exist.


    Maybe try that release anyways and if it still is a problem file a bug report.

  • I would try to do a log with the browser plugin when the load failed to make sure it is working or not working as expected.

    How do you make the load fail? Could it be a method that is not doing what you think it's doing?

    A few bugs related to adverts were solved in Beta release 340, not your problem but maybe more bugs exist.


    Maybe try that release anyways and if it still is a problem file a bug report.

    Hey! Thank you for your response! I couldn't find the solution for the "on load fail" not triggered in rewarded intersititals. It may be a bug, or it may be that the ads take too long to load and fail, I'm not really sure. What I tried instead is to have 1 rewarded interstitial and 1 rewarded video (so 2 different types, with different floors) and just show the one that loads first. It seems to work fine, but let's see when the update is approved...

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