How do I Export to Amazon AppStore?

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From the Asset Store
Full game Construct 2 and Construct 3 to post on Google Play
  • Hello Everyone!

    I am wondering how to export to the Amazon App Store. I have tried exporting as HTML5, and it gives the host file thing, and then I removed that from the index.html file, tried again, and it was just blank.

    I can't help but notice, this is more then possible in Construct 2, and I need to find a way on Construct 3.

    Thank you for reading this!

  • Its broke, always has been. It was never fully tested as there was not enough interest in it.

    Amazon changed how it works even before C2 was retired, and thus there was no interest in updating it, or adding it to C3.

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  • Thanks newt for the quick response!

    Exporting with Amazon works fine for me in Construct 2, but the only problem is the speed. I sideloaded an APK I build with VoltBuilder to a my Fire Tablet with Construct 2's HTML export, and it had a horrible framerate, around 10. Then, I put my CAPX file into Construct 3 to convert to C3 stuff, changed a few settings that weren't in C2 then exported, and using VoltBuilder it was way faster upon sideload.

    My only problem: HTML5 Exports don't work with Construct 3 for the Amazon App Store (as I've said) but the Construct 2 ones do (amazon exports), but are extremely slow.

    FYI: I've used the Debugger in Construct 2, and it is so much slower, around 78% CPU average, and frame rate between 10-20 when using Fullscreen letterbox scale, then when using no full screen, the framerate is the same, but the CPU is around 2% so I believe it is having other stuff open that effects it. Also, for some reason it works fine with a high framerate when normal previewing it, and I don't understand why.

    Again, Thanks a lot!


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