Does exist a not binary way to make multiplayer?

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  • I want to make a game with analog controls but for multiplayer you must say yes or no in binary for your inputs, if so I should make one event for all 360 degrees or there must be another way to make it.

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  • yeah it greatly reduces the bandwidth to convert your variables to binary with the binary plugin before sending it as messages with the multiplayer plugin.

    You can set multiple variables in a single variables by using the setbit and getbit expressions, like bit index 0 is "on floor" and bit 1 is "attacking" or whatever and then you convert that variable with the binary plugin and plug it in a byte instead of sending multiple variables or using the cumbersome "sync" action

    For 360 degree your controller does not have a variable for 360 degrees, it has a x and a y axis. let's say it's on a scale from -100 to 100, a 8bit number can hold that, so 1 byte, perfect, your 360 movement is two bytes

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