events and timer

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From the Asset Store
Tabata timer
$9.99 USD
Template for Tabata timer, fully documented in comments and video
  • Hello guys, I have doubts, I would like to know if there would be a way for me to create in-game events and control these events outside the game, like those coin master events that are controlled outside the game, I would also like to know how I can add a count regressive within the game for the player to gain more lives when the counter is zeroed, but this counter would have to continue counting even if the player closes the game would it be possible? would have to control this through some database type, sql ?

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  • When the timer starts, save the current system time in Local Storage. If player closed the game, next time it opens retrieve the value from Local Storage and you'll be able to calculate how much time has passed and whether to give the reward or not.

    If you are worried about people changing the time on their device to trick your game, you can retrieve the time from the Internet, there are plenty of free services.

  • Thank

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