Error Loading Try Disable addons browser

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  • I open the construct 3 by the chrome but I can not load the editor.

    An error text appears with "Error Loading Try Disable add-ons browser..."

    I tried to disable add-ons as error text but no effect.

    Please help me how to fix this issue. I really feel hopeless with this.

  • I open the construct 3 by the chrome but I can not load the editor.

    An error text appears with "Error Loading Try Disable add-ons browser..."

    I tried to disable add-ons as error text but no effect.

    Please help me how to fix this issue. I really feel hopeless with this.

    have you tried clear browser cache and restart Chrome?

  • [quote:lzgxy4y2]

    have you tried clear browser cache and restart Chrome?

    Thank for your help. I have tried but it is still not working (((

  • Are there any messages in the browser console? (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • [quote:1oxquk0r]

    have you tried clear browser cache and restart Chrome?

    Thank for your help. I have tried but it is still not working (((

    try with a clean re-install of chrome or download a portable version and try C3 for there

  • > [quote:2xgtkgu1]

    > have you tried clear browser cache and restart Chrome?


    Thank for your help. I have tried but it is still not working (((

    try with a clean re-install of chrome or download a portable version and try C3 for there

    Thank for your help.

    I have cleaned and not working. About the portable version. How to download it ?

  • Are there any messages in the browser console? (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome)

    Yes, the console appears much error messages. How to send the log to you?

  • Just copy-paste them here.

  • Just copy-paste them here.

    I tried copy and paste some times and press submit but my post does not display. ????

    Do you have a skype to chat ? I will capture and send you a screenshot for more details.

    My skype is nguyenduy_exia

  • Just copy-paste them here.

    Hello Scira support

    Any news which can help me I feel sad now for this error for whole this week.

  • Seem I do not see any support from Scirra more

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