"Error fetching data.js" when exporting XcodeProject

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  • This is happening every time I try to export an Xcode Project using Cordova in the latest stable C3 build. I have used this service before without any problems. It compiles without any problem but this error message shows up when I try to open the app on either the Simulator or on Iphone throught Testflight. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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  • I fixed the problem, so I want to post it here in case they ever implement seach again on the forums.

    My problem was due to having an apostrophe in my game's title. Apparently Xcode and Cordova don't read it the same way, causing some conflict when compiling the game.

  • I fixed the problem, so I want to post it here in case they ever implement seach again on the forums.

    My problem was due to having an apostrophe in my game's title. Apparently Xcode and Cordova don't read it the same way, causing some conflict when compiling the game.

    you did change the game's title where? in cordova? construct or xcode?

    i have the same problem :(

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