How do I enemy behavior?

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  • my problem is that: with the time line I let the enemies all in a row and ordered .. with the sine I swing them.. now I should create the thing that suddenly .. one of these enemies randomly went down to "y" and threw a bullet and surroundings in its place together with the others ... I state that the enemies are all the same ... they are not clones but copies created by "ctrl" and mouse drag ... having said that how can I do to do in so that a "random" enemy does the above ????

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    I thank you in advance...

  • no one can help me please?

  • Use System -> Pick Random Instance (And select the object)

    It will pick randomly an instance of all those clones and you will be able to setup and action to it.

  • Use System -> Pick Random Instance (And select the object)

    It will pick randomly an instance of all those clones and you will be able to setup and action to it.

    i have already try it.. but action i do all enemy do.. not is clone but copy

  • Yeah, my bad.. not clones... copies.

    Isnt what you are trying to reach?

  • Yeah, my bad.. not clones... copies.

    Isnt what you are trying to reach?

    ok... i want your square.. move down for 100 px then return from her position?

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    yeah you are a big man... ho way 1 and 2 is variable... tnk soo much

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    yeah you are a big man... what is way 1 and way 2?? how to set??

    Its an instance variable.

    Select the object and you will see the option on the left

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    > yeah you are a big man... what is way 1 and way 2?? how to set??

    Its an instance variable.

    Select the object and you will see the option on the left

    sorry.. for example... one square start move from x=100 y=100 for remeber this postition what i do??? i ask that cause i have 60 square... he move random vs player.. after 1 shoot he return in her position...

  • Create 2 instance variables, origin_x and origin_y. Set it before start moving and use move to: origin_x + 100, on arrived move to origin_x

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  • Create 2 instance variables, origin_x and origin_y. Set it before start moving and use move to: origin_x + 100, on arrived move to origin_x

    istance variabile in square??? i do... like number and is 0 how to set correctly?? need to take coord one for one???

  • > Create 2 instance variables, origin_x and origin_y. Set it before start moving and use move to: origin_x + 100, on arrived move to origin_x

    istance variabile in square??? i do... like number and is 0 how to set correctly?? need to take coord one for one???

    Ive changed it a little.

    See the result.. it always come back to the origin position.

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