Make an empty circle (only the border) have the same thickness by changing size

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  • Hi everyone.

    In my game there is a planet with tunnels (many in proportion to the size of the planet).

    But they must all have the same thickness, scaling the image happens like in the screenshot at left, is there any way to avoid this?


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  • Not really, not for a sprite with a donut shape like that.

    The most straightforward way would be to create a set of sprites of all the different sizes you want. Probably different animation frames of one sprite object, and you would choose the animation frame of the suitable size for any given planet.

    You might be able to use an html/form element with styled css, which can set fixed border sizes, but that's going to cause all sorts of other problems you won't want to deal with down the road.

    Edit: You could also probably draw them dynamically with the drawing canvas plugin

  • Thank you!

    I haven't tried it yet. but it seems to me the perfect solution to use "drawing canvas", also because the brown circles could be in "destination over" mode and show the underlying layer, ie the wall of the planet.

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