How do I drag and drop with touch?

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Use inertion of your movements to throw, rotate your objects and etc. Objects can interact with others while dragging.g
  • Using touch Im trying to make it drag and drop - but

    i want the item thats being dragged to spawn another 1 of its kind in that place

    It does spawn another but instead of spawning the same frame it spawns frame 0

    how can i get the same frame of the dragged item to spawn

    My code wont work for some reason, can anyone help?

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  • Your condition and event are both working with the same named item so the system goes to the last one called. Meaning

    Condition: I click this Accessory - (Roger I am tracking this accessory)

    Event: Create A new Accessory - (Roger I am tracking this accessory now)

    To fix this add a local variable - set that variable to accessory.animationframe before you create a new accessory. Then create the accessory and set the frame to your variable.

    It will look like this:

  • Your condition and event are both working with the same named item so the system goes to the last one called. Meaning

    Condition: I click this Accessory - (Roger I am tracking this accessory)

    Event: Create A new Accessory - (Roger I am tracking this accessory now)

    To fix this add a local variable - set that variable to accessory.animationframe before you create a new accessory. Then create the accessory and set the frame to your variable.

    It will look like this:

    Its perfect Thanks!

  • No problem friend...

    Those errors are always annoying when you bump into them the first time!

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