How do I disable movement controls while a text is visible?

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From the Asset Store
Change delay, create new lines, "backspace" the text
  • I'm very new to this so apologies if this is coming across as super simple. I've already done some Googling and everything I've found are dated (from 6,7 and even 11 years ago!) so I feel like I need some fresh perspective.

    At the start of my game, when the player collides with another sprite, some text begin appearing and disappearing. While this is happening I want the player to remain stationary until the text is invisible again.

    I've tried playing around with Variable but haven't been successful. I tried playing around with disabling player and ignoring player input while text is visible but nothing works.

    The point of this is so the player can read the tutorial before fully starting the game.

    Any help is hugely appreciated.

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  • Solved it by using the following.

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